Being volunteer run ourselves we get a lot done with minimal overheads and no salary costs. That means the money that comes from donations can go directly into our grants scheme to support more volunteer-led projects to either build or maintain trails. And our definition of trails includes dual-use single track, dirt jumps, pump tracks, downhill or XC or Enduro or whatever. What matters is that mountain bikes have access to the trail.
There are several ways to help Trail Fund NZ:
(1) Visit our online store and 'purchase' a donation or become a member.
Alternatively if you’d prefer not to use a credit card or if you are donating a larger amount and would like to help us avoid card processing fees then you can donate directly to our Bank Account:
“Trail Fund New Zealand Inc.”
Once you’ve set that up please send us an email at and let us know if you would like a physical receipt for tax deduction purposes.
Thanks for considering supporting Trail Fund NZ with a donation.